Monday, January 13, 2014

A Love of Learning

I read this article in the Desert News and really appreciated the ideas it shares to help children love learning and not be ashamed of it.

The point that stood out to me as something I could work on now is "Take time to educate yourself." Lately I've been missing the structured learning of college life. I realized this learning doesn't have to be in the traditional formal way (like by physically attending classes and getting grades). I can show my children I love learning when I take every opportunity to learn. My parents are great examples of this... here's a few examples I remember from my childhood:

  • Taking the time to read historical markers
  • Visiting any and all museums whenever we were on a road trip
  • Dad would read books we were assigned in school (and be up all night doing so)
  • Dad offered us 25 cents if we learned a new word that he didn't know the meaning of (we'd often scour the dictionary but I never quite could earn 25 cents) 
  • Giving opportunities, even when I was very young, to attend musical performances and famous plays
  • Teaching us and speaking to us in Spanish
  • Reading Jesus The Christ, In the Eye of the Storm, Awesome church history book, etc. out-loud to us on Sunday afternoons 
  • Playing and appreciating great music
  • Making the time and effort to travel all over the US as a family
This list is not all comprehensive but a starting point for me to jump from with my young family. Thanks to my wonderful parents for instilling a love of learning in me!

1 comment:

  1. These are GREAT ideas, Sheree! The last post too. Reading your blog is going to help me become a better person. :)
