Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012! Pumpkins, Skeleton Babies, and Trunk-Or-Treat

Our Halloween Festivities this past year...

FHE with the Romneys
... carving pumpkins and watching the last presidential debate! Oh, and a batch of the most amazing pumpkin chocolate chip cookies with cream cheese frosting, fresh out of the oven!

Matt and Hilary created beautiful poke-a-dot and scary face pumpkins and Bryce and I worked on one together. We designed an adorable jack-o'-lantern face... but that was not all. Bryce wanted to add some sort of shadow casting design on the back. He carved our initials SBA perfectly on the back so when it was lit it cast a perfect shadow of our initials. It was extra impressive because he had to carve it backwards so that the shadow was the right direction. So impressive!

 The finished products! ...

This is a link to the recipe I discovered from a friend in our ward... my absolute favorite cookies now!
you could use milk chocolate chips and add a little pumpkin pie spice for fun!

Making our Halloween Costumes!!!
...a family of skeletons.

It's not everyday that you're pregnant on Halloween. I was determined to find a creative way to incorporate my little bump into a cool costume this year. A friends in our ward had mentioned that she had used this idea to make a skeleton shirt when she was expecting. I loved the idea and was impressed with how it turned out.

First we had to trace a pattern on to freezer paper (amazing stuff!). Then cut it out (cutting out the space where we were going to paint).
At times it was a little painstaking cutting out all the little details... but so fun to work on together and definitely worth it.
 Then we ironed on our freezer paper stencils in just the right spot on the shirts.

 And then we used fabric paint to cover it in the first coat.

After some drying time and a few more coats of fabric paint we were excited to try out the finished products! 

Our family of skeletons! 

Baton Rouge 2nd Ward Annual Trunk-Or-Treat! 
We were so excited to model our homemade costumes at our ward trunk-or-treat!

We loved passing out candy (to our only trick-or-treaters this year) from our "trunk"/truck at the ward party.  Bryce even got some sweet decorations for the back of the truck.

My handsome skeleton husband helping with the "piggy toss". Baton Rouge LDS Temple in the background. 

We had so much fun Bryce wanted to make more shirts... his own creation!
I'll just let the pictures tell the story...


And this is how it's done in Louisiana... A Real Shrimp Boil & Bass Pro Shop Hot Date


Bryce and I were invited to the Annual Temple Worker Social. After our shift working in the temple on Saturday morning we went across the parking lot to the Stake Center were they had everything set up and ready for a REAL SHRIMP BOIL! There were about 4 long serving tables lined up and covered with heavy duty plastic. There was also plastic on the floor running along both sides of the long serving tables. Bryce was asked to help bring it in (they had it boiling in the biggest pots I've ever seen, just outside the church) and pour it out. I guess transitionally they use craw-fish and it is called a craw-fish boil. They boil them all in a HUGE pot with potatoes, carrots, onion, whole entire garlic, corn on the cob, etc. 

The giant shrimp come frozen in a box. 

They get dumped in the huge pot. 

There they boil (and turn orange). 

 When it's all cooked it gets dumped out on the serving table. 

 A Real Live Famous Shrimp Boil! 

 Bryce got in on the action! 

While I enjoyed some of the other food at the social, I didn't/couldn't eat any of the giant shrimp... I just could get over that their eyes were staring right back at me! But Bryce ate his portion like a true Louisianan! 

Our date night to Bass Pro Shop 
total cost: $0.50
total fun: high

For anyone who has never been this place is somewhat comparable to "Cabelas". It's a store, but full of so much fun! My favorite part is that it is all so typical LOUISIANA! 

We enjoyed seeing the Giant fish in the pond and giant aquarium. 

This raccoon lives in the shack on stilts over the water. 

Apparently this turtle is over 200 years old! I wish he would have moved so we could see a little more action... but still pretty impressive. 

We paid 50 cents and got 25 shots. Bryce was impressed with Sheree's good shot (but he had already had a taste of that up at Bear Lake... so he knew he married a good shot). 

And Bryce hit every single shot! When you hit the targets the animals or critters or doors/windows move and make noise. Lots of fun! 

They had a fudge shop where we were content and satisfied with just the free samples. We tried pumpkin pie fudge and pralines and caramel.... it was extremely sweet. 

We ended our fun date night by coming home and watching a movie on the projector while cuddling on the couch. It was a hit!